"If the bee disappeared off the surface
of the globe, then man would only
have four years left to live."
     Albert Einstein

Bee pollen has a history that goes back 5,000 years. Famous in Chinese, Greek, Aztec, Egyptian and American Indian civilisations; a tonic with rejuvenating power.

Known as “Ambrosia” or Food of the Gods, pollen has been used for centuries as a food source and to increase energy and stamina.

Bee pollen has long been used by historic figures including Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, and Pythagoras. It is widely labelled as a super food. Many historical sporting figures also contributed bee pollen to their success in the sports arena.

Life is in the blood; the truth has been known for thousands of years. It is mentioned in the bible, other religious books, and ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. Bees are blessed insects. The bible mentions them 38 times. God promised Abraham the land that flows of milk and honey. The best God given food combination.

The Evolution of Bee Pollen
The development of every plant and animal on the planet was shaped by evolution. Evolution is driven by gene mutations, or genetic accidents. Most mutations cause detrimental changes that cause the plant or animal to die. However, on very rare occasions, beneficial mutations occur, and these are passed on to successive generations-as nature selects for stronger, more optimal individuals, or in popular terms 'survival of the fittest'. Beneficial mutations allow plant and animals to develop a competitive edge over similar plants in the battle for reproduction and survival.

Here's an example: in the rainforest, there is a huge variety of plants. In fact, there are so many plants that they battle each other for space and sunlight. The trees that have evolved to grow the tallest, and the fastest, out-compete the other trees in the race for sunlight. They are the plants that win the battle for survival. However, this may be temporary, because other plants are evolving to become more competitive with the leaders. Evolution is an on-going competition.

In much the same way that rainforest trees compete for sunlight, flowering plants compete with each other for the bees services. The ability of a flowering plant to attract bees translates directly into their reproductive success. If bees give a greater share of attention to a certain species of plant, then that plant will propagate more and will become the dominant plant in the area. While bees collect pollen from all types of plants, they show preferences for certain types of pollen. The pollen that is most attractive to bees, naturally, is pollen that provides the best nutrients for their health. In this plant competition, reproductive success is driven by the ability to evolve the most nutritious pollen that will attract the most bees. Plants with lower quality pollen are then driven to evolve higher quality pollen in order to become more competitive for the bees attention.

150 million years of this evolutionary pressure has driven bee pollen to become more and more nutritionally superior.

The above information does not constitute medical advice. It is based on the clinical and anecdotal experience of many people using bee pollen.